"Be in'tree'sted In (きになるき)" is a VR work that lets you experience as if you were a tree.The user wears a tactile presentation device on their body and experiences the four seasons of Japan as a tree. For example, in winter, they can experience the weight of snow and coldness; in spring, blooming and warmth; in summer, insects and heat; and in fall, leaf fall and a bit of coldness.
The purpose of this work is to get people interested in trees. Through this experience of becoming a tree and tasting the umwelt, you must be in'tree'sted in trees.
DATE: 2019.05 - 2019.11
WORKS AT: Information Somatics Lab.
TAGS: Research, Haptics
下林 秀輝, 荒川 陸, 岡本 直樹, 神宮 亜良太, きになるき, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集, Sep. 2019. https://conference.vrsj.org/ac2019/program/common/doc/pdf/1B-08.pdf
東京大学 先端科学技術研究センター, 先端研ニュース,第27回国際学生対抗バーチャルリアリティコンテストでLaval Virtual賞を受賞 来年4月にフランスで開催される欧州最大のVR展示会であるLaval Virtualに出展!https://www.rcast.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ja/news/report/page_00029.html
International Virtual Reality Contest (IVRC) 2019, Aug. 2019, Tokyo.
Laval Virtual ReVolution #Research 2020, Apr. 2020, France.
H. Shimobayashi, A. Jungu, ,N. Okamoto, R. Riku, きになるき: Be In‘tree’sted In, Laval Virtual Prize in International Virtual Reality Contest (IVRC) 2019. https://ivrc.net/2019/release2/